Monday, February 25, 2013

Vokki vs. Blabberize

     In my opinion, Blabberize was the better recording website. Blabberize was also a funnier looking avatar, and less creepy avatar. But at least Vokki allowed you to customize your own avatar, and not just find a picture and make the jaw move. That's also the beauty of Blabberize, because you can literally take any picture, and make it talk! Vokki on the other hand, didn't really have many choices to make your avatar look like you.
     So in other words, Blabberize is better than Vokki.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tracking Theresa

In the video that I watched called "Tracking Theresa" was pretty interesting. the only information that Theresa was giving out was her screen name, which was "Theresa01" from there, the person found her email, and found her telephone number. just by plugging in the area code, he could find where her geographical location within 20 minutes, the person found out alot of things about Theresa. next was to find the schools in that area. See, the guy already knew her age, and that meant she was in high school. He eventually  found out what her school was. So, what I learned from this is to not publicly display any personal information, as simple as a phone number.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Movie Cyberbu//y

The movie, Cyber bully, on ABC was a eye opening movie. Taylor was getting bullied on this online network, and it was affecting her life. But, her best friend, Samantha, made a fake profile of a guy because she didn't like the guy Taylor was talking to. Samantha on her fake account said something bad about Taylor on this chat room, and that's where everything started. From there, people were saying bad things about her in the chat room. It made Taylor go into a depression, and even gotten to the point of almost killing herself, but was stopped by Samantha, the girl who started all this. A lot of kids go through this, and it needs to be stopped.