Monday, December 17, 2012

My Christmas Holiday Tradtions

  Christmas day for me is pretty hectic. First, my family doesn't wake up at like 6:00 a.m. to open presesnt, we like to be up by at least 9, so we can make the 11:00 mass. We've done this every year, and i can't complain about sleeping in! After my direct family goes to church, we go straight to my Grandparents' house for more presents. But, before we do anything, we eat this awful tasting bread. this has been a tradition in my dads side of the family for years, so we have to eat it anyways. After we are done at my grandmas, we go home for about 3 hours. Now the boring part of the day is about to come. We go on a two-hour car ride to my Great-Grandpas house for some small gifts, but mostly just to see him, and the rest of my moms side of the family. After my Great-Grandpas house, we go home. About now it would be 9:30, and we have to drive 2 hours home! So, my Christmas is very busy, but it still manages to be my favorite holiday.

  The thing I look forward to the most is not even on Christmas day; it is on Christmas Eve. My moms side of the family all go to my Grandmas house, and we have a huge gift exchange! It's fun to see what everyone got eachother. So you could conclude that i spend my Christmas with my whole entire family.

1 comment:

  1. Watch your grammar. You also forgot tags for your post.
